Website Update [2017-09-28]
We have another update to the website! More features have been restored to their former glory, plenty of bugs have been squashed, and I’ve even got a few updates on what’s coming next.
♻️ Restored Features
The old “I Need Fuel” page has gotten some minor upgrades, but for the most part it’s the same old page that you know and love. Check it out at /i-need-fuel. This means that “I Need Fuel” is replacing the “Get Help” page that I had added.
This also means the return of the beloved green button, allowing clients, rats, Thargoids, and anybody else to join us in chat from our web client.
🐞 Bugs
- Author and category links are fixed on the blog! They’ve been broken since the new site launched and I had no idea. This was identified and fixed, so you can now stay up-to-date with tech changes on the devblog, keep up with our news, and check out the latest rattatoons. Or if you’re looking to read up on everything from TartanDragon, you can do that, too.
- I’ve removed the fake stats and empty badge tabs from profiles and the user menu. These were intended to be placeholders until we got the actual stats done, but we thought we’d get that taken care of before launch. Unfortunately we didn’t quite make it there and I never thought to remove them. They’re hidden for now. They will make a reappearance once we can get the relevant information set back up in the API.
- A paperwork’s System field was prevented from being set unless the system was in EDSM. Not only is this fixed, but the field got a little prettier, too. 😊
✨ What’s up next?
I know there are some pretty major features that we still need to restore. Unfortunately, illness has taken to some of our team, causing a lot of these bigger issues to be blocked for one reason or another. Such is the trouble with small teams. However, we should be picking back up soon and powering through some of the major updates, such as:
- IRC nicks have been a really, really tricky one. We’re working on setting up a test IRC server so we can actually verify that everything is working before pushing it all up to the production server. I promise, this is at the top of our list.
- Ships haven’t been able to be added, removed, or modified since the launch of the new website. This is the next thing on the docket. Ships you created before the launch of the new website are currently listed under the rat that owns them on your profile. This will be getting a pretty substantial redesign in the next week or so and you’ll finally be able to go back to modifying your shipyard.
- The Roster has also been missing since the website launch. Many Overseers and many others have bemoaned the lack of access to this exceptionally useful tool. Luckily, your favorite Clapton is helping me out with this one so I’m hoping we’ll get it back up and available A.S.A.P.
- Setting your default rat is a new feature that will allow you to change your display name on the website, particularly the Leaderboard. This will be available in your Profile soon.
29 September, 2017
The ops team pointed out that I completely forgot to mention that managing your IRC nicks is on the list. This has been remedied.